For a few years now my mother has started pointing out how much labour goes into making food and drink. Anything we put on our table, be that a plate of vegetables, a piece of meat, or a bottle of wine. I’m too lazy even to cook, which is actually small effort compared to the work that goes into getting food and drink to the point of being ready to be sold, or cooked, or opened. I don’t know whether my mother knew this all along, or whether she realised this when she started working on the land she had inherited with the view to planting a vineyard with the idea of making wine, or whether she stopped taking this fact for granted.
It seems fitting, with Thanksgiving just passed and with Christmas at the gates, for me to be thankful, truly, for whatever blessings I have been graced with, which are always many, I think.
I am writing here about Vivien and Michelle because they have both been to Fundo de Vila and have contributed a little to the farm and to the making of Terrus. I co-organised the ZAAT Mostra de Artes Visuais e Sonoras 010, which is currently taking place in Lisbon, and I invited Michelle and Vivien, both artists, to exhibit some of their works. Their exhibition “Intimacy & Solitude” is at the architects’ office 71Arquitectos, and below are some photographs.

Drawings by Michelle Letowska. Photographs by Vivien Opiolka.